The purpose of all of our How-To and Tech guides is to provide both the would-be karter, parents, as well as those who have been in the game for some time, with a bit more of an insight into the world of 2-stroke karting from a logistical and technical viewpoint. It is therefore our attempt to lead you through the intricacies of what paperwork and equipment is required to compete, the officials involved, the basic processes followed by a competitor on race day, servicing of the kart, setting up the chassis and tyres, choice of gear ratios, and other related subjects. It also touches on some of the more technical aspects such as air density and jetting and the role they play in performance, mixture flow through the engine, etc. – don’t fret, there’s no ‘go back to school’ required here on the mathematical side, and is not something you need to worry about at all if ANGRi Racing is going to be running yours or your child’s equipment as we are always on-hand to lend some advice.
Although the rules and regulations play an immensely important part in the sport of karting, they are not dealt with here in any great detail whatsoever as they are modified from year to year. All karting is governed by a set of rules issued by Motorsport South Africa (MSA), and hence competitors need to comply with the relevant regulations dependent on which series they are partaking in, plus those stated in the Supplementary Regulations (SR’s) issued by the event’s promoter. The best advice we can give is for the competitor to download the latest set of rules from the MSA websites and study them in detail. Also, don’t forget to check this website regularly for any updates in the way of circulars that are published throughout the year. Attending courses presented by the governing body from time to time would also not go amiss.
Driver preparedness for race day along with mental fitness techniques that help get you to the top of podiums are subjects that cannot be covered here, as that is something only our Academy trainers can help you with alongside your own determined approach. Many excellent books and articles have been written on the psychological aspects of sport in general, and if you are wanting more information, then we suggest you refer to them or speak to the guys and girls at ANGRiRacing Academy.
Driving techniques e.g. best line to follow when cornering, how to overtake a competitor who ‘makes his kart as wide as possible’, when to brake for the corners, etc. are all things that only your Academy trainers can arm you with who also recommended you watch endless hours of top-tier Kart racing videos. You can also consult the myriad of books and articles on the subject written by those recognised racing drivers who have come up through the ranks of karting into F1 and similar high profile racing disciplines.
These guides are essentially a compilation of new and previous articles that we’ve published over the last few years but in the process we’ve also added a few updates, additions and corrections to the chapters. Wherever possible we’ve used simple real-world analogies to aid in a better understanding of a particular aspect. If you are unsure about anything you are always welcome to speak to us at ANGRi Racing.
Also… take a look at our Kart Sim Racing section as we want you there practising as much as you can when you are not with us on-track (or doing school homework). Happy karting, and remember that first and foremost you are there to enjoy yourself!!!
The Team @ ANGRi Racing
and Emile McGregor - MSA Technical Consultant